Owen Carpet is where you can buy carpet at TRUE discount carpet prices from one of the oldest Dalton Georgia flooring outlets. We offer HUGE discount carpet prices on wall to wall carpeting from all the Georgia carpet manufacturers including Mohawk, Shaw, Beaulieu, and Milliken as well as almost every other carpet name brand you will find locally.
Gam Jom — He showed up at the spot time, got in and got it done and was out quickly. Carpet was dry in less than an hour and looked
Welcome to Carpet Express, America's Floor Store, your source for discount carpet, hardwood flooring, laminate flooring, vinyl flooring, ceramic tile and area rugs shipped direct to you at tremendous savings. Choose from the latest designs in domestic and commercial flooring at the lowest possible prices. Buy from us with confidence knowing your whole order will be handled right.
Charles K. — I worked with Dennis and it was nothing but great. Kind upfront stuck by his word and just overall outstanding.
Since 1988, FCITS has been the company of choice for flooring product manufacturers when looking for certified flooring inspectors. As the only Dalton-based inspector training service, we offer the most classes and more often, and have never once canceled a class. Our investment in a brick & mortar training facility in the Flooring Capital of the World demonstrates our commitment to the industry, and